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Office-Sharing and Corona

The obligation to work from home has come to an end and people are returning to the office. But what about health protection in the office? Corona and the risk of infection have not disappeared. When it comes to office sharing, there are some concerns: What are the hygiene rules? No back to normal without trust! This is how you can reduce health risks.

1. Observe overarching, regional and local official recommendations and guidelines with regard to COVID-19, in particular for prevention, protection and hygiene. Inform yourself regularly about updates of the official requirements.

2. Inquire with your workspace host what is implemented in the office to protect against Corona.

3. The best thing to do is to book a workspace that has the Staysafe label. This label is proof that the current hygiene regulations are observed and that the host is fulfilling his duty to protect the health of workspace visitors. Corresponding workspaces are designated with the label on the ShareYourSpace marketplace. You can find an example of such a space here: flexible desks in Office Hub H: 32 - Charlottenburg

Additionally, if the label has the "monitored by TÜV SÜD" logo, then the TÜV has checked and confirmed the correctness of the hygiene concept on site. You can find out more information about the concept here: Staysafe

4. Avoid shaking hands, keep the minimum distance recommended by the health authorities, and wash your hands often. Also, don't forget to put on your mask when you get up from your desk.

5. Safety first: Only go to a space if you are healthy. Even if you have no symptoms of Corona, only come to the office if you are feeling well. This not only protects yourself, but also protects others from potential infection.

If you pay attention to these tips, flexible working in a space should not pose an increased health risk. Are you tired of working from home or do you lack the appropriate infrastructure to work? Then book your space now: ShareYourSpace