
Boosting Flexibility + Sustainability In The Office World

Our Values

Real (estate) sustainability

Our service aims to make one of the largest industries more sustainable. The protection of the environment is part of everyone's social responsibility. Our fundamental motivation is to help the planet, and we want to achieve this together with you.

Valued customers

We dedicate ourself to the interests of our customers and are fully committed to their success. Your success is our success. We strive for partnership and invest in lasting business relationships.

Digital is not just another buzzword

Digitalisation in the real estate industry is only just beginning, but the potential is immense. The game is rapidly changing. As a pioneer, we are setting standards for digitalisation in the real estate world. We are changing the market with on-demand office space.

Our Story

The Dilemma: Modern Work versus Traditional Office Offerings

In a constantly changing world, fewer and fewer people and companies want or are able to commit to long-term space obligations: The demand for spatially and temporally flexible office solutions is huge, but the office market is rigid due to long-term, complex lease agreements. Spaces are almost never "tailor-made" – rarely at the time of leasing and even more rarely over time: Companies, organizations, and businesses change, but the premises do not adapt. A comprehensive, cost-effective range of temporally and spatially flexible workspaces is necessary. Neither new construction nor the few, expensive coworking locations can provide this sustainably.

Global Challenges: Infrastructure, Climate Change, Asset Management

The world population will grow by 2.5 billion over the next 30 years. Providing the working world with sufficient and appropriate spaces is a challenge.


Buildings are responsible for 40% of global energy consumption. Land sealing, traffic congestion, and climate change are among the biggest problems of our time.


Real estate accounts for over 50% of global assets. Spaces are valuable and simultaneously cost drivers and productivity levers.

The Solution: ShareYourSpace

The key to solving these challenges? Making already available spaces (whether owned or leased) more intensively used in the market! With coworking, shorter lease terms, and sharing existing inventory.


How is this possible? Offices, workstations, conference rooms, meeting areas, training rooms are not occupied 24/7, but up to 70% of the time unused. E.g., due to vacancies, part-time work, out-of-office days, home office, too much space. And ready for plug & work. Over 500 million sqm in Germany alone. Much more worldwide.


ShareYourSpace is the digital marketplace for everyone who wants to offer or book these free spaces. The platform for flexible renting and leasing of workspaces of all kinds: all locations, areas, sizes, and equipment. With or without furniture. Whether a single desk in the middle, an office room, or an entire floor. Whether for an hour, specific times, selected days, months, or longer.

Amplifier Megatrend Sharing

A cultural and values shift is also driving sharing: using instead of owning, sustainability, and being social are at the forefront. Sharing itself is, of course, not an innovation – it has always been part of everyday life, the essence of neighborly help, carpooling, libraries, a commandment of religious teachings, a real challenge in raising children, and, incidentally, an undeniably nice trait of human nature. However, the focus of the Share Economy is not on the sandwich that, after being shared, is only half as big and which the donor would have liked to have eaten entirely. Today, sharing stands for new, changed demand behavior: joint, temporary use (Collaborative Consumption). The enabler is the web: networking of owners, possessors, and seekers, structured searches, simple presentation, request, booking, and payment processes, and mobile access, localization, and proximity search. The result: an enormous reduction in the transaction costs of sharing and, often, the costs of use itself. Translated into the real estate industry: higher space utilization equals more efficient resource use equals less real estate for the same result. Positively reinforcing are interactions with people ("From strangers to friends") and the community experience. Sharing is social! Increasingly also: Business is social! Last but not least, the economic argument is strong for those involved: Save money, get money!


ShareYourSpace: At the pulse of time and with sharing reinvented through technology!

Our Customers: You, your team, your organization, your company

ShareYourSpace is aimed at everyone with office, meeting space, conference room, space to work. Whether owner, tenant, or subtenant, whether startup, medium-sized business, large corporation, public sector, asset manager, coworking operator, hospitality industry, or private property owner.

On the other hand, ShareYourSpace is for everyone who needs workspace. Whether for individual use or for coworking and new work.

Your Benefits

You have workspace? Rent it out on ShareYourSpace – benefit from reduced effort, cost reduction, and increased revenue. Make money with your space.

You need workspace? Rent on ShareYourSpace your perfect workspace regarding price, equipment, size, host – where and when you need it. Find instead of search. The World Is Your Office!

You are an employer? Provide office solutions close to your employees with ShareYourSpace – your trump card in the war for talent and to strengthen employee loyalty.

You want coworking and collaboration? Choose with ShareYourSpace your preferred tenant or landlord. Share more than space – share ideas, know-how, resources, projects. From common spaces to common mindspaces, from tenant and landlord to common solutions and business!

Be a Sustainability Hero, Join Us!

Through sharing, not only is flexibility brought into office and work worlds. Sustainability in offices, workspaces, and work-related mobility is significantly improved.

Better utilization of existing buildings through sharing means less new construction, less land sealing. The most sustainable building is the one that is not built!

Workplaces and mobility are interconnected. The best commute is a short one!

Together with you, we move the biggest sustainability lever in the construction, real estate, and work worlds to reduce carbon footprint, relieve traffic, prevent land sealing, conserve resources – in an industry with 40% of the global carbon footprint.

ShareYourSpace contributes to the UN Sustainability Goals of the 2030 Agenda: No. 3 (Health and Well-being), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 13 (Climate Action).

Become a part of the revolution!

Find your perfect space or earn money with your office.

Be smart. Be Sustainable. ShareYourSpace.


Dr. phil. Dipl.-Kfm. Tobias Wagner, CEO

Studied Business Administration at WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, in France and the USA, PhD in Psychology at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Held senior positions at renowned technology and real estate companies, Chairman of the Executive Board at NEMETSCHEK Group, various supervisory board mandates, and one of the leaders of AIS Management. Built, among others, project developers, asset managers, consultancies, and startups. Serial entrepreneur, over 25 years of expertise in the real estate industries, and expert in software, web, and digital topics. Motto: Nothing less than perfection!

Dipl.-Ing. MBA Christian Ehl, CTO

Studied at the University of Georgia and Wake Forest University, USA, Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. Intel, Executive Board Member at Virtual Identity, Founding Member of Brainloop, Managing Director of Allplan Bimplus, Managing Partner at Hillert NEXT. Numerous digital projects for renowned corporations and tech companies. Internet Entrepreneur, Investor, and Thought Leader in various tech ventures and startups, Expert in Artificial Intelligence. Motto: Create solutions people love!

Lukas Dinger, COO

Studied Economics at the University of Bayreuth and Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag in Trondheim. Founder and CEO (2014-2021), currently a partner at styleGREEN powered by FlowerArt GmbH. Strategic consulting for startups in product, finance, and procurement. Long-standing commitment in the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) business network. Passion project: Hands-on renovation and expansion of a coworking and retreat location in Tuscany (Villa Azzolini). Outdoor enthusiast with a preference for four-legged companions. Motto: Extreme Ownership!