Zurück zur ÜbersichtPROPTECHMAP EUROPE 2022

In cooperation with PwC, the event platform BUILTWORLD once again presented the best and most innovative companies in the technology industry. ShareYourSpace may shine among the best in the area 'Market' 

ShareYourSpace is again among the top 100 of the PROPTECHMAP EUROPE 2022


In cooperation with PwC, the event platform BUILTWORLD once again presented the best and most innovative companies in the technology industry. ShareYourSpace may shine among the best in the area 'Market': 


Builtworld, PwC:

"Successful proptech companies embrace uncertainty and impending challenges to expand their capabilities in the face of ongoing change. The industry tends to underestimate the long-term impact of technology.

Therefore, established companies can benefit from early collaboration on innovation projects to stay ahead of the curve" Innovation is a priority for us.


We are expanding the market with our flexible workspace rental and leasing platform and expanding the tech industry with innovative office solutions. Boosting sustainability and flexibility in the office world!