Our certificate of the Digital Leader Award

Our certificate of the Digital Leader Award

Christian Ehl und Tobias Wagner mit der DLA Urkunde    Urkunde

The founders of ShareYourSpace are overjoyed - and of course the whole team as well: our certificate of the Digital Leader Awards 2021! We made it to the finals in the category "Public and social challenges"! We are happy that our digital story with the mission "Boosting Flexibility + Sustainability In The Office World" was able to convince the jury. ShareYourSpace has set itself nothing less as a goal than to make the office world more sustainable.

The enclosed letter says: "The effort and courage you showed the jury of the Digital Leader Award was unequaled. [...] With the certificate and our Winners Night [...] we want to make it visible that you have achieved something extraordinary this year and made the leap to the best submissions of this strong year of the Digital Leader Award.

Christian Ehl and Tobias Wagner stand with the certificate and the ShareYourSpace heroes Susi Sustainable and Felix Flexible in their hands in front of the 17 sustainability goals of the UN. ShareYourSpace works in particular towards the following 3 goals:
No. 9: Promote innovation, industry and infrastructure
No. 11: Make cities more sustainable
No. 13: Combat climate change

Be a sustainability hero too: and become part of the sharing community!

Be smart. Be sustainable. ShareYourSpace!

DLA Brief