Making cities more sustainable – but how?

Making cities more sustainable – but how?

How is mobility related to our daily working lives?


Using the example of the Munich pilot project "Car-free Westend-Kiez urban district", an implementation of this vision was illustrated last week in a workshop by M:UniverCity. Led by Dr. Michael Droß and Nadja Planötscher from M:UniverCity and Dr. Hannah Henker from Green City e. V., design options for a car-reduced and more livable urban district were discussed. The focus was on the implementation of alternative mobility options such as cargo and e-bike sharing, the conversion of parking spaces to benefit pedestrians, and additional offers and initiatives to improve the district structure.


According to a mobility report by the online platform Stepstone, almost every second commuter in this country takes between 30 minutes and over 1.5 hours to work every day, with the average distance there and back being almost 40 km. Does that have to be the case? Which solution concepts are already a reality today?

ShareYourSpace has created the workspace sharing platform of the same name, a major contribution to improving the quality of life in the neighborhood: shorter commutes through workspace offerings and office infrastructure in the neighborhood that can be booked flexibly in terms of time and location!

How does it work? Offices, workstations, conference, meeting and training rooms are usually not occupied 24/7, but are unused on average up to 70% of the time, often very close to home. By sharing these temporarily free workstations, space is used better - Office as a Service based on the Airbnb principle as an option alongside the distant headquarters and home office.

A shorter commute not only means a reduction in the carbon footprint, but also more time to live and greater satisfaction for people.

Join in and move one of the biggest levers for more sustainability. Become a member of the sharing community - whether you are a workspace provider or a booker.

Be smart. Be sustainable. ShareYourSpace!