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Networking: Building Connections, Seizing Opportunities

In a world where relationships are crucial, networking is an essential skill that everyone should master. It's far more than just exchanging business cards or collecting contacts on LinkedIn or social media. Here you can find out what exactly networking is, what types of networking there are, what benefits it offers and for whom this skill is particularly suitable. 


What is networking? 

Networking refers to the process of building and maintaining relationships with other people, both inside and outside your professional environment. It is about building a network of contacts from whom you can learn, who can support you and with whom you can build long-term relationships. The skill of building good relationships is crucial, because through a strong network you can not only gain valuable resources and information, but also discover new opportunities for your professional development. 


Networking with ShareYourSpace  

On ShareYourSpace, you can find your ideal workspace that adapts exactly to your needs and takes your personal networking to the next level. ShareYourSpace is the digital marketplace for flexible workspace offers of all kinds, whether you need an entire office, a desk in a shared office or a space in a modern coworking space. Thanks to ShareYourSpace, you can connect with people from different industries and sectors and easily expand your professional and personal network.  


Different types of networking:

There are different types of networking and therefore different ways to develop and maintain contacts in different areas of your life. 

1. Personal networking: 

Face-to-face networking involves meeting people directly in various settings such as networking events, conferences, seminars or workshops. These personal encounters offer the opportunity to have conversations, build relationships and make real connections.  

2. Online networking: 

In the age of digitalisation, online networking has become an important part of the networking process. Platforms such as LinkedIn, Xing or job-related groups on social media offer the opportunity to make contacts and expand your professional network. Online networking also allows you to network across geographical boundaries and find potential contacts on a global level. 

3. Industry or professional group networks: 

Industry or professional group networks are specific associations or groups that focus on specific industries or professions. By participating in industry events or becoming a member of professional organisations, you can expand your professional network and deepen your expertise. 

4. Informal networking: 

Informal networking refers to the development of relationships through shared interests or activities outside of the work environment. This can include anything from informal lunches with colleagues to sporting events, art exhibitions or volunteering. Informal networking provides a relaxed atmosphere to make new contacts and develop genuine connections on a personal level.  


What are the benefits of networking? 

Networking offers you multiple benefits that can help you achieve your professional goals faster and advance your career. 

Professional development: 

Networking allows you to discover new career opportunities, learn from others and find valuable mentors who can help you with your professional development. By expanding your network, you will open doors to new challenges and stay up to date on new job openings, career fairs or training opportunities. 

Business opportunities: 

Networking gives you the valuable opportunity to meet potential customers, partners or investors and explore new business opportunities. By continuously building and carefully maintaining relationships, you can not only strengthen your network, but also grow your business sustainably and ensure long-term success. 

Active knowledge exchange: 

Networking gives you access to a broad spectrum of knowledge and experience. The contact with various specialists and experts gives you insights into different perspectives and approaches to solutions. You can learn from the experiences of others, find out about industry trends and gather new ideas to broaden your professional horizons. 

Support and advice: 

Your network can be a valuable source of support, advice and feedback when you are facing professional or business challenges. By seeking advice from your contacts and utilising their experience, you can weigh up important decisions and successfully overcome challenges.  

Visibility of your presence and expertise: 

By networking, you can increase your own personal visibility in your industry or area of expertise while strengthening your reputation. By actively participating in industry events, getting involved in professional groups and sharing your knowledge, you can position yourself as an expert and expand your sphere of influence. 


Who is networking for?  

Networking is a viable strategy for anyone, regardless of your industry, position or experience level. Whether you are at the beginning of your career and looking for new contacts, a seasoned professional in your field looking for new prospects, or an entrepreneur looking to expand your network to find business opportunities. The versatility of networking makes it a valuable professional development tool that can help you achieve your goals and realise your full potential. 


Looking for a workspace to try out the benefits of networking? 

Discover the numerous possibilities on ShareYourSpace and find the ideal workspace for your needs! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our Spaceguides directly at spaceguide@shareyourspace.com.