Freelancer: Flexibility, Satisfaction and Earnings

Freelancer: Flexibility, Satisfaction and Earnings

Freelancers, also known as independent contractors or freelancers, are independent workers who offer their services on a project basis without making long-term commitments to a single employer. They work in a variety of industries and offer a wide range of services, including graphic design, web development, copywriting, translation, marketing, consulting and more. In the modern economy, freelancers play an important role as they offer flexibility and expertise that is essential to the success of many businesses. Their ability to adapt quickly to changing requirements and provide customised solutions makes them valuable resources in a variety of industries.


The following data is taken from the Freelancer Compass 2024, a comprehensive market study in German-speaking countries launched by Freelancermap in 2018, which was conducted over a six-week period, with 3,042 freelancers and independent contractors each answering 75 questions.


The decision to become self-employed:

The reasons why people decide to become self-employed are as varied as the people themselves. But the desire for freedom and independence is paramount. For 68% of freelancers, the ability to organise their own working day, flexibly schedule their working hours and work from any location are the main reasons for their decision. In addition, 37% state that the professional challenge and the varied work were decisive factors. Interestingly, studies show that only a small minority become self-employed due to unemployment or redundancy, suggesting that self-employment is often a conscious choice driven by personal goals and ambitions.


Contentment as a freelancer:

The satisfaction of freelancers with their work is a multifaceted issue. On the one hand, many appreciate the flexibility and autonomy that comes with their professional model. The ability to choose their own projects, work with different clients and take their professional development into their own hands are important aspects that contribute to satisfaction. On the other hand, however, there are uncertainties such as irregular income and the constant acquisition of new assignments, which can lead to stress and dissatisfaction. Nevertheless, the Freelancer Compass 2024 shows that the majority of freelancers are satisfied with their decision to work independently. This satisfaction is often based on the opportunity to shape their own work and pursue their personal goals.


Financial reality as a freelancer:

The financial reality as a freelancer depends on various factors, including the industry, level of experience and location. However, despite this diversity, freelancers often earn well. The average hourly rate is €102 and 67% of respondents are satisfied with their income. These figures show that self-employment can be financially attractive. The average net profit in 2023 of €62,948 underlines this fact. This is mainly due to the fact that freelancers can often charge higher hourly rates or project fees and no deductions for social security contributions or taxes are made by the employer. Nevertheless, freelancers must pay their own business expenses and insurance premiums, which is an important financial consideration.


Flexible working hours and work locations:

Freelancers' working hours are characterised by flexibility and personal responsibility. According to the Freelancer Compass 2024, 31% of those surveyed invest around 39 to 40 hours per week in their projects. However, an additional 6 hours or so must be scheduled for acquisition, customer care and general administrative activities. Interestingly, the study also shows that 57% of respondents carry out their project work remotely, while only 4% work on site at the customer's premises. This emphasises the increasing preference for flexible working models and the opportunities that modern technology offers to work effectively from any location.


ShareYourSpace for freelancers:

When it comes to flexible workspaces, ShareYourSpace, the digital marketplace for flexible working solutions, is an important platform for freelancers. ShareYourSpace offers freelancers the opportunity to find affordable and flexible workspaces throughout Germany and to network with like-minded people. This not only increases efficiency, but also expands the social and professional network. On ShareYourSpace, freelancers can book a workspace for as little as one hour, allowing them to organise their working day in a particularly flexible and productive way.


Overall, the versatility, flexibility and financial attractiveness of being a freelancer show that self-employment is an attractive option for many professionals. With the opportunity to shape your own path, pursue your personal goals and work flexibly at the same time, self-employment offers a unique opportunity for professional and personal fulfilment. However, it is important to note that being a freelancer also comes with its challenges. Uncertainty regarding the order situation, irregular income and the pressure to constantly acquire new orders can cause stress and uncertainty. Therefore, prospective freelancers should carefully consider whether they are prepared to accept the risks and demands involved.


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