Our founder in an interview with Munich Startup

Our founder in an interview with Munich Startup

Tobias Wagner, CEO and co-founder of ShareYourSpace, in an interview with MUNICH STARTUP

Simon Tischer, 28.2.2029, MUNICH STARTUP


ShareYourSpace: Sharing unused office space

While office workers are at appointments, attending training courses, working part-time or sick, their workstations remain unused. In Germany alone, more than half a billion square meters of office space are temporarily empty, says the Munich-based startup ShareYourSpace, which provides free office space flexibly and inexpensively.


Munich Startup: Who are you and what do you do? Please introduce yourself and your service briefly!

ShareYourSpace: Who are we? ShareYourSpace is a company of experienced players in the real estate industry and digital experts, founded in 2019 by: 

  • Dr. Tobias Wagner, CEO: Business Administration at WHU, doctorate in psychology at Friedrich Schiller University, management positions in technology and real estate companies, multiple founders, Battlefield Real Estate, software, web
  • Christian Ehl, CTO: University of Georgia, Wake Forest University, electrical engineering at TU Munich, entrepreneur, Battlefield digitization projects for large corporations, tech ventures, artificial intelligence
  • Commerz Real AG, asset manager of the Commerzbank Group

Our service? The platform www.shareyourspace.com. It translates the Airbnb principle into the office world. Sharing space and rooms brings flexibility to the office and work environment. In addition, the strongest possible lever for more sustainability in the real estate industry is being used.

What is the problem being addressed? The office market is characterized by rigid, long-term rental contracts. Modern working - project teams, startups, new work, dynamic companies - requires cost-efficient workspaces that are flexible in terms of time and space.

The solution? Offices are unused up to 70 percent of the time: vacant, part-time work, out-of-office days, too much space, etc. In Germany alone, that's over half a billion square meters. Shareyourspace is the platform for everyone who wants to offer or book these temporary spaces. Workspace as a service, pay per use.

Who is the service for? For everyone with an office, meeting space, conference room. Whether owner or tenant. Whether company or private individual. Whether administration, hotel business or operator of coworking spaces. And for anyone looking for office space, workstation or meeting rooms. Whether self-employed, project team or multinational corporate.

What are the benefits? Maximum flexibility for tenants and landlords. Reduction in space costs. Increased income through better space utilization without additional investment. Opportunity for coworking. New Work. Sustainability at its best.


ShareYourSpace wants to “make spaces usable in all locations, at all sites, with all equipment and in all sizes” 


Munich Startup: But that’s been around for a long time! 

ShareYourSpace: No. There are real estate portals for arranging offices with long-term lease agreements. The offers there are mainly posted by brokers. The addresses of the locations can usually only be found through the broker. The business model is paid advertisements. Contacts are only arranged, and rentals and lettings take place outside of the portals. And there are coworking operators who, by nature, are limited to certain locations and standardized space products that they have to sell at a comparatively high price. Our idea of ​​an office-as-a-service is much more comprehensive: we want to make space usable in all locations, at all sites, with all equipment and in all sizes. In addition, the more existing offices are used better, the greater the boost for sustainability.


Munich Startup: What has been your biggest challenge so far?

ShareYourSpace: Gaining widespread recognition.


„Munich has the largest stock of office space in Germany” 


Munich Startup: Let’s get to the point: How is business going?

ShareYourSpace: We have been live since the end of 2019. The development so far shows that we are on the right track.


Munich Startup: What does Munich mean to you?

ShareYourSpace: With almost 25 million square meters, Munich has the largest inventory of office space in Germany, little and expensive space in the conventional rental offer, dynamic companies and a significant traffic problem. Office as a service is therefore needed. We ourselves are a Munich company with an international team, so we are in the right place in the cosmopolitan city with heart.


Munich Startup: How does your startup become the next unicorn? Or will we see you soon at Epic Fail Night?

ShareYourSpace: With heart, mind, hard work and good customer service. But we are not interested in a high company rating. We want to use our service to make one of the largest industries more sustainable. Protecting the environment is our social responsibility. Achieving this together with our customers and thereby doing good is what drives us.


Munich Startup: Isar or English Garden?

ShareYourSpace: Zugspitze, of course. Skiing, views, cheers. Right at the top